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Reglement van inwendige orde

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The non-profit organisation “Maison Européenne Valduchesse” was created on 11 April 1961. According to its Statutes, its purpose is to promote, by all possible means, cultural and social interaction between Belgian and non-Belgian nationals, especially managers and officials of international institutions in Brussels, above all through the creation and management of a club with sports facilities for which it determines the terms of membership. It is made up of members, associated members and honorary members.
To this end, the non-profit organisation founded the “International Club Château Sainte-Anne”. In 2013, H.M. the King granted the title "Royal" to the association which was re-named "Royal International Club Château Sainte-Anne".
The association adopted the following internal regulations, as of 2/03/2020
The Board of Directors reserves the right to modify the present regulations; any modifications are to be approved by the General Meeting of associated members of the “Royal International Club Château Sainte-Anne”. Unless stated otherwise, modifications are applicable immediately following their publication on the web site of the Club.

Chapter I - Members

Article 1. Conditions of admission :

  • Standard sponsoring procedure : Each Applicant together with his family members, must be proposed by two persons who have been members for at least three years and of which one must be of Belgian nationality; one of the proposers will introduce the candidate(s) in writing and in detail to the Chairman of the Ballot Committee, stating the reasons why the candidate would be a worthy member capable of adapting to the spirit of the Club. Only members who are sufficiently acquainted with the applicant are allowed to propose him; they will assume responsibility for his behaviour within the Club and will inform him of Club procedures. Any individual over 18 years of age must apply to the Ballot Committee. Two members of one family (husband and wife/parent and child) are not permitted to propose the same person.

  • Alternative sponsoring procedure :
    Any Belgian or foreign candidate must necessarily be presented to the Ballot Committee. Any candidate, Belgian or foreign, who doesn't know any member likely to sponsor him or her, must meet the General Manager as well as at least one member of the Board of Directors before appearing before the ballot committee.

Article 2. Admission criteria :

The applicant must hold a degree from a university or other higher education establishment, whether Belgian or foreign. This rule may be bypassed in exceptional circumstances where the personal situation of the applicant, together with his qualifications, is judged to be of a high level by the Ballot Committee. The Ballot Committee shall determine whether candidates and their family, in addition to the qualifications outlined above, correspond to the level and spirit defined in the association objectives.

Article 3. Members :

There are several categories of Club Members. The status of these categories is not transferable to family members in the event of death of the Full Member. Every year the membership fees are decided upon by the Board of Directors and attached to the Internal Regulations.

  1. Full member: individual regularly registered with the Club and up to date with the membership fee.
  2. Family member: individual, regularly registered, belonging to the family of a full member and living at the same address.
  3. Founding member: member having joined the Club before 31 December 1982 and regularly registered since that date.
  4. Non-resident member: individual working and living abroad with his family, who wishes to use the Club facilities during his short stays in Belgium.
  5. Member on leave: member wishing temporarily suspend his Club membership for exceptional reasons and for maximum 3 years, thereby incurring a specific membership fee. This request must be made officially to the General Manager. Admission to the Club will not be authorised during this period.
  6. Young member: young person aged between 25 and 29.

Article 4. Admission procedure :

The application file shall include the following: For a Full Member as well as each family member, a duly completed application form, two passport photos and a photocopy of ID card or passport including details of identity and address, together with a letter from one of the two sponsors and a CV (except for the children).
The file will be forwarded to the General Manager who will check that it is complete.
In order to be admitted, a candidate must obtain three quarters of valid Ballot Committee votes.

Article 5. Ballot Committee :

The Ballot Committee is made up from 8 (minimum) to 15 (maximum) members. The Chairman and Secretary General are ex officio members. The other members are appointed by the Board of Directors, who shall ensure that the Ballot Committee is representative both of Belgian and international backgrounds. Ballot Committee members are elected for a five-year term, which may be renewed once only. The Chairman of the Board of Directors chairs the Ballot Committee. In his absence, he shall be replaced by the Secretary General or, failing this, by the oldest of the members present.

The Ballot Committee meets at least four times a year at the request of the General Manager. It cannot deliberate and conclude unless 60% of its members are present or represented. If two Ballot Committee members request it, votes may be made by secret ballot. The decision of the Ballot Committee is not open to appeal.
The deliberations of the Ballot Committee are confidential. Any member who violates this principle will be excluded from the Committee.
It carries out whatever enquiries it considers necessary; it may ask the applicant to produce additional references and/or request a meeting with him. If an application is rejected, the General Manager will advise the sponsors of the candidate in writing, without having to provide the reasons for the rejection.

Any member who has not attended half of the meetings plus one in a given year shall be excluded from the Committee.
The Board of Directors shall replace him.

Article 6. Members’ rights and obligations :

Club members have the right to participate in Club activities and to make use of its facilities in accordance with the limits set by the internal regulations.

Any suggestions or complaints concerning the running of the Club or the quality of meals and service should be addressed to the General Manager. Members are not authorised to criticise a member of staff directly.

When joining the Club, the members agree to respect the internal regulations and any modifications that may justifiably be made to them, as well as all terms and conditions established in accordance with the principles of the said regulations. Members are held responsible for the actions and behaviour of their children and guests.

Should the conduct of a member or of one of their children or guests justify it, the Board Committee may ban the member concerned for a given period. A permanent exclusion has to be decided by the Board of Directors. Such decisions do not have to be justified. During the period of his exclusion the suspended member may not be invited to the Club. No permanently banned member may reapply for membership or be a guest.

Club members are urged to pay their bills (bar, restaurant and activities) in cash, by credit card or, in the case of invoice payments, by cash transfer or direct debit. Members are held personally responsible for the payment of their bills, even if these are normally invoiced to and payable by a company. Irregular or late payments may result in a temporary or permanent suspension.

Article 7. Admission fee :

An admission fee is payable by full members upon admission to the Club. It is valid for them and their family living at the same address.

Article 8. Membership fees :

The Board of Directors determines the membership fees for the various member categories. All newly admitted members must pay their fees within the month of their admission. For members joining after July 1st, the membership fee will be halved for the current year. For members admitted between 1 October and 31 December, the membership contribution shall be valid for the current year and the following year.

Fees are due in advance and at the latest by 31 January of the current year; they are indivisible and cover the period from 1 January to 31 December. Members who are late with their membership fees will receive a written reminder. If this reminder is not acted upon, the Board of Directors reserves the right to send a final reminder, supplemented with a surcharge for administrative costs.

Members who have not paid their contribution by 31 March, despite the final reminder, shall be deemed to have relinquished their membership, whilst their contribution for the current year remains due. Members having been subject to such circumstances may subsequently rejoin the Club, but only in accordance with the conditions of admission, the payment of admission and membership fees in effect for new members.

Article 9. Relinquishment of membership :

Any member who decides to relinquish their membership must advise the Secretary General to this effect before the 31 January of the current year, otherwise membership fees shall be due for the whole year.

Article 10. Membership card – Access card :

Any member aged 10 years and over and having paid his fee is the holder of an access card to the Club. The card is strictly personal and must be produced on request. It may only be used by its holder, otherwise it is subject to confiscation.
When in Belgium, non-resident members may collect their membership cards from Administration.

Chapter II - Club Administration

Article 11. Board of Directors :

The Board of Directors, responsible of the Club, is the Board of Directors of the association “Royal International Club Château Sainte-Anne”.

Article 12. Management :

Except for the rights and obligations of the Association, the day-to-day running of the Club is carried out by the General Manager, with the support of the Board Committee, which may be dissolved by the Board of Directors at any time. The Board Committee is presided by the Chairman of the Board of Directors. Besides the Chairman, it includes the Vice-President, the Secretary General and the General Manager. The Board Committee can invite punctually some of administrators to discuss specific points. The Board Committee meets at the request of the Chairman, every time he feels it necessary for the management of the Club.
Each year the Board Committee draws up the Club budget for the following financial year, finalises the annual accounts and submits them for approval by the Board of Directors. The Board Committee ensures an external company has audited the accounts.

Article 13. Committees :

The Club has several Advisory Committees: Culture, Music, Investments and real estate, Events, Conferences and International Relations, Sport and Young People. Each year, after a request for candidates, the Board Committee decides the appointments to each Committee. The chairpersons are appointed for a renewable period of 3 years by the Board Committee. They are selected from a pool of candidates nominated by the Committee members. Each committee meets at least four times a year

Article 14. General meeting of Associated Members of the “Royal International Club Château Sainte-Anne” :

Each year, the Chairman summons all the Associate members of the Club with fifteen days’ prior notice,. The Chairman informs them of the budget and accounts of the Club as approved by the Board of Directors. He seeks their opinion on the items on the agenda, which are determined by the Board of Directors. If required, he may also summon them to an extraordinary meeting.

Article 15. Club responsibilities with respect to its members and member responsibilities with respect to fellow members :

Members must take out individual insurance under the category “Civil Liability/Private Life”. All members shall be held legally responsible for any damage to Club facilities and the personal property of other members whether caused by themselves, family members or guests.

The Club declines all responsibility in the event of theft. The use of cloakrooms or the car park is a service for members and their eventual guests which in no way incurs liability by the Club. The Club declines all responsibility with respect to any accidents that may occur on its premises, whether these be attributable to members or occur through the regular use of Club facilities

Chapter III - Life at the Club

Article 16. Use of premises and facilities :

The Board of Directors reserves the right to use the premises as it sees fit. The Board Committee determines the opening and closing times of the Club, its various facilities and of Administration. It shall determine the facilities designated for each activity and for the practice of each sport. Sports and any other activities are forbidden outside the specifically designated areas. The presence of members on the premises of the Club and the use of its various facilities is forbidden outside of respective opening hours.
No animals are allowed on Club premises.

Article 17. Site opening hours :

  • The Chateau is open everyworking day from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. It is closed during the weekends an some holidays.
    A jacket is required for gentlemen (business attire) and semi-formal attire for ladies. For men, wearing a tie is not compulsory. Jeans and baskets are not allowed. The use of mobile phones is not permitted in the Chateau restaurant or bar. Briefcases and/or papers should be used with discretion.

  • The Club House and swimming pool are open from end April to the end of September, between 8.00 a.m. and 8 p.m.
    Members in sportswear may dine at the restaurant; presentable attire is still required. The swimming pool building is a non-smoking area.
    Food is only served at indoor or outdoor tables. Picnics are forbidden. Apart from these tables, only plastic glasses are allowed.
    Mobile phones are to be used with discretion

The Club’s newspaper, The Club Times, provides details concerning the days and hours of opening of the various sites and information on the numerous events that are organised on these sites.

Article 18. Access to Club lounges and restaurants :

Members who have paid the appropriate membership fee have access to the Club and the right to receive guests, for whom they shall be held responsible.

A member must always be physically present with his guests and must comply with the internal regulations, along with his guests.

Members, acting individually and by invitation, may organise events (dinners, cocktail parties, receptions, etc.) for family, social obligations or professional contacts. The host must always be physically present and must be directly involved in the event. The formal approval of the Management is a prerequisite for a subsequent agreement with the catering service. A rental charge shall be paid to the Club in addition to the catering price.

All picnics involving drinks and/or food are forbidden.

Article 19. Access to sporting facilities :

Members enter the sporting facilities with their access card. All members under ten years of age must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
Members may, under their responsibility, invite guests to use the swimming pool. Therefore, they have to pay a guest fee for them to the lifeguard of the swimming pool. They are required to be present when inviting guests. The number of “no members” invitations is decided each year by the Board of the Directors who sets the terms and communicates them in the Club Times, by email and at the Club House.
In case of non-compliance with these rules, members incur penalties up to and including exclusion of the Club. The name and first name of the guest shall be entered into the guest book upon arrival, under the signature of the host member.

The Board of Directors may suspend the right of invitation for a given period.

Article 20. Parking :

The Chateau car park is reserved for members who are having lunch or dinner at the Chateau. Those using sporting facilities must use the direct access to the swimming pool and tennis courts on Avenue Val Duchesse, where there is ample parking space.

Chapter IV - Sporting Facilities

Article 21. General terms and conditions :

Sporting behaviour and courtesy are the key elements of sporting activity at the Club. The rules and practices of the sport of choice must be adhered to.
Parents shall see to it that their children adopt the Club spirit and preserve the tranquillity and cleanliness of the premises.

Clothing must at all times be appropriate and correspond to the image of the Club and its members. The sporting facilities manager has the right to comment if he considers the clothing of a member or guest to be inappropriate.. In the event of a recurring infringement, the Club management may impose a permanent or long-term ban.

Children under ten years of age must be accompanied by and under the supervision of an adult.

A holiday card may be purchased for an additional child (exchange programme…).

It is not permitted to smoke or to leave or discard objects that are liable to cause injury on the sporting premises

Article 22. Tennis courts :

Any member who pays a “tennis subscription” automatically has access to the padel courts and vice versa. Courts may only be reserved for the purpose of these sports.
Players shall not be granted access to the courts when they are under maintenance or considered as unusable by the sporting facilities manager.

Any member who pays a tennis/padel subscription can reserve a court. Reservations for tennis and/or padel courts have to be made online. The member can make maximum 2 reservations (2 consecutive hours are not possible). Once these 2 hours have passed, he can re-book a maximum of 2 hours and so on.

Once ten minutes have passed, an unoccupied reserved court shall become available. Players who are about to leave the court are kindly requested to brush the court and clean the lines five minutes prior to the end of their session.

Tennis players shall ensure their shoes are clean before going on the terrace and entering the poolhouse and the changing rooms..As a general rule, the on-court dress code is preferably white clothing and tennis shoes with smooth, non-streaking soles.

Article 23. Swimming pool :

The swimming pool is open from mid April through the end of September. Access to the area surrounding the pool is strictlyforbidden outside opening hours, which are annually set by the Management. Swimming is allowed only when a lifeguard is present.
The Club declines all responsibility in the event of an accident unless the accident is directly attributable to the Club or to its staff.

Persons wishing to put on a swimming costume shall use the swimming pool changing rooms; they shall respect the “barefoot” zones. No wheel-based devices or prams may be placed in the area surrounding the swimming pool.

Except for inflatable floats for swimming, no floating or pneumatic devices are permitted in the swimming pool.

The sporting facilities manager may deny access to the swimming pool area to any individual whose conduct represents a hygiene, health or security risk.

For obvious hygiene reasons, persons with wounds, even if these are covered, or suffering from illness, shall not be permitted to use the swimming pool. Persons with long hair shall tie it back. The use of the showers and footbath is mandatory for all before using the swimming pool.

The sporting facilities manager reserves the right to forbid all games, exercises and behaviour that are liable to disturb or to unsettle swimmers. Dangerous exercises and games are not permitted; more specifically, running around the swimming pool, shouting, diving and using accessories (balls, boards, flippers, etc.).

No glass objects may be used outside the “Club House”.

It is not possible to reserve deck chairs. Chairs that have been empty for more than one hour may be made available by the sporting facilities manager. They may not be occupied by children under 16 if needed by adults.
Young children are allowed in the swimming pool, provided an adult takes care of them. They should wear a swimming costume over a suitable nappy (swimming nappies).

The manager may also decide that children should leave the pool during certain hours and/or allocate specific lanes to some types of swimmers.

The large solarium is a place of relaxation where special consideration should be shown for quiet and the respect of others.